History of
Cádiz salt
In the Hispano-Muslim period, Cádiz salt was widely consumed in Al-Andalus and its use was also closely linked to the almadraba fishing activity on the Atlantic coast.
Once these territories were reconquered by the Christians, salt continued to be supplied to the Kingdom of Granada until its fall at the end of the 15th century. When the salt ponds passed to the Crown of Castile, Cádiz salt, in addition to meeting local needs, was sent to other Spanish territories and was also exported in large quantities. The salt was loaded under the close supervision of the Renta de Salinas (an institution dependent on the Treasury at the time) to prevent fraud. In 1869, the monopoly exercised by the State over the salt ponds came to an end and the production and marketing of salt was totally liberalised.
During the 19th century, there was a kind of salt boom, in which around 80% of production was exported to other countries, especially to South and North America and Northern Europe.
From the first quarter of the 20th century, salt production in Cádiz went into recession. On the one hand, with the discovery of the canned food preservation system and the development of refrigerated ships, the use of salt for the preservation of meat and fish fell sharply; on the other hand, there was increasing competition from countries that had traditionally been customers.
Many of the salt ponds in Cádiz gradually closed down; their facilities, mostly in ruins, form part of the nostalgic landscape of the Bay of Cádiz.