The Cádiz
Cádiz culinary art wouldn’t be the same without the quality and variety of its beans. Versatile, nutritious, easy to cook and affordable – they’re fundamental in the elaboration of various recipes and have become a basic element of the renowned Mediterranean diet. As the main characters of pucheros and potages, which fill with flavours every corner of the province, they’re part of Cádiz cuisine’s essence. Tasty and healthy!
The traditional Cádiz cuisine, home-made and of quality, is one of the tastiest Andalusian cuisines. A lot of its most traditional recipes include legumes as a base – indispensable pilar of healthy nutrition.

Cádiz smells like stew, potage and puchero in every kitchen, in every corner. A smoky pot with some good home-made broth, some chickpeas, some grandma’s tricks, and good handful of imagination have fed generations after generations in the province’s history.

There’ve been references of Cádiz cuisine’s stews since the 18th century, when this word was used to name boiled recipes elaborated with root vegetables, broth, and species. The most popular are those that contain chickpeas, lentils, French beans, vegetables and different kinds of meat like chicken, beef or pork. In recent years, a few international chefs have shown their interest for these recipes so perfect for winter, and so they have innovated in their ingredients or presentations, but always maintaining the essence.
Cádiz beans quality is undeniable.
Recently, some farmers from Cádiz have secured investments in the major technological innovation of the sector and the best preservation techniques to guarantee organoleptic qualities of the beans harvest. Moreover, their production is sustainable, their environmental commitment is strong and their search for certifications and guarantees is pioneer in the sector.