Miel El Pinsapar

Miel el Pinsapar has more than 60 years of experience as honey artisans. Located in the Sierra de Grazalema, where they have their hives, they collect and package pure honey from bees, as well as other derivatives from the hive such as pollen or royal jelly. They have also developed a line of natural cosmetic products based on honey.


Las Hermanillas collects and packages pure, organic raw bee honey from their own harvest, without preservative additives or mixtures and in different formats. Hermanillas farm’s beehives are located in the Alcornocales Natural Park and have the organic quality certificate.

Las Bravías

Las Bravías collect and bottle different types of virgin honey, as well as other products derived from beekeeping such as royal jelly, pollen, etc. collected in different Natural Parks of Cádiz (Los Alcornocales, Sierra de Cádiz, Grazalema…). Honey is obtained in a 100% artisan way. In the extraction process it isn’t filtered or heated, so it maintains all its properties and organoleptic and nutritional qualities. All the honey marketed is produced in-house, which guarantees its quality from the beginning to the final consumer.

Apícola Patiño

Located in Conil de la Frontera, they produce and package pure bee honey, both thousand flower honey and single variety honey: rosemary, orange blossom, lavender, eucalyptus, in different formats. They also have other beekeeping products such as propolis, pollen, royal jelly, honey sweets and dried fruits and nuts with honey.